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RE: draft-smith-ldap-inetorgperson-02.txt

>>> "Salter, Thomas A" <Thomas.Salter@unisys.com> 2/25/99 10:41:05 AM >>>

>I've always been confused about language tags.  Is first example showing two
>different values of the attribute displayName, or two different attributes
>which are subtypes of displayName ?  I read RFC2251 to say that they are
>subtypes, in which case the singlevalued rule can apply to each. 

This is my understanding as well (from 2251: An AttributeDescription with one or more options is treated as a subtype of the attribute type without any options).  I'm having a hard time finding documentation that shows
someAttr;optionA: JB Briggs
someAttr;optionB: Joe Bob Briggs
as a single attribute with two values.

If they are treated as subtypes of someAttr, what does it mean to delete the someAttr attribute from an object entry?  As far as I'm aware, deleting an attribute doesn't delete subtypes of that attribute as well.
