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Re: Submission of Internet Draft - LDAP Control for Tree Deletion draft

Good idea.  I've wondered what the best way to go about performing bulk operations would be.  A similar idea I've been kicking around, while more generic, involves a control which works with multiple requests.  The control could specify a group of entries to apply the operation to.  The control likely contains most of the stuff found in a search request.  It could be applied it to:
DelRequest <- could be used to del a (sub)tree

This would need a special response control which is capable of representing the individual results of the operation as they apply to each entry.

Now that I think about it.  Unless this is flawed thinking, I'd rather have one general purpose bulk operation control than a growing number of specific ones.


>>> "Michael Armijo (Exchange)" <micharm@Exchange.Microsoft.com> 2/11/99 2:51:29 PM >>>
Attached is a draft for an LDAP Control for Tree Deletion.  This control
allows a client to delete a container and all subcontainers and objects.  It
is being submitted to the IESG as an individual standard-tracks document and
forwarded to the LDAPEXT group for review and comment.   

Comments and feedback on this draft would be appreciated.

Michael Armijo
