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Last call for draft-ryan-java-schema-01.txt

The recent comments regarding case-exact matching have been addressed.
The following changes have been made to the schema defined in the
-01 version of the I-D:

1. The following attribute types now have a case-exact EQUALITY
   matching rule: javaClassName, javaFactory, javaReferenceAddress.

2. The following attribute types now have a case-exact-IA5 EQUALITY
   matching rule and now have IA5-string syntax: javaCodebase,

3. Each attribute type now has a new object identifier to avoid any
   confusion with attribute types from the -00 version.

4. The full LDAP schema is reproduced in an appendix. The case-exact
   matching rule from X.520 is provided for convenience.
   (The case-exact-IA5 matching rule is defined in RFC-2252.)

The revised I-D is attached. Please review and send any futher comments
to this discussion list before Wednesday 10 February.

After this review period I'll incorporate any changes and progress the
I-D towards an Informational RFC.

INTERNET-DRAFT                                               V. Ryan
Expires 16 June, 1999                                    S. Seligman
                                                              R. Lee
                                              Sun Microsystems, Inc.
                                                        16 Dec, 1998

     Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory

Status of this  Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft.  Internet-Drafts are working
   documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
   and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   To view the entire list of current Internet-Drafts, please check the
   "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
   Directories on ftp.is.co.za (Africa), ftp.nordu.net (Northern
   Europe), ftp.nis.garr.it (Southern Europe), munnari.oz.au (Pacific
   Rim), ftp.ietf.org (US East Coast), or ftp.isi.edu (US West Coast).


   This document defines the schema for representing Java(tm) objects in
   an LDAP directory [LDAPv3].  It defines schema elements to represent
   a Java serialized object [Serial], a Java RMI remote object [RMI],
   and a JNDI reference [JNDI].

1. Introduction

   This document assumes that the reader has a general understanding of
   the Java programming language [Java].  For brevity we use the term
   "Java object" in place of "object in the Java programming language"
   throughout this text.

   Traditionally, LDAP directories have been used to store data. Users
   and programmers think of the directory as a hierarchy of directory
   entries, each containing a set of attributes.  You look up an entry
   from the directory and extract the attribute(s) of interest.  For
   example, you can look up a person's telephone number from the
   directory.  Alternatively, you can search the directory for entries
   with a particular set of attributes.  For example, you can search for
   all persons in the directory with the surname "Smith".

   For applications written in the Java programming language, a kind of
   data that is typically shared are Java objects themselves.  For such
   applications, it makes sense to be able to use the directory as a
   repository for Java objects.  The directory provides a centrally
   administered, and possibly replicated, service for use by Java
   applications distributed across the network.

   For example, an application server may use the directory for
   "registering" objects representing the services that it manages, so
   that a client can later search the directory to locate those services
   as it needs.

   The motivation for this document is to define a common way for
   applications to store and retrieve Java objects from the directory.
   Using this common schema, any Java application that needs to read or
   store Java objects in the directory can do so in an interoperable

2 Representation of Java Objects

   This document defines schema elements to represent three types of
   Java objects:  a Java serialized object, a Java RMI remote object,
   and a JNDI reference.

2.1 Common Representations

   A Java object is represented in the LDAP directory by the object
   class javaObject. This is the base class from which other Java object
   related classes derive: javaSerializedObject, javaRemoteObject, and
   javaNamingReference.  javaObject is an abstract object class, which
   means a javaObject cannot exist in the directory; only auxiliary or
   structural subclasses of it can exist in the directory.

   The object class javaContainer represents a directory entry dedicated
   to storing a Java object. It is a structural object class.  In cases
   where a subclass of javaObject is mixed in with another structural
   object class then javaContainer is not required.

   The definitions for the object classes javaObject and javaContainer
   are presented in Section 4.

   The javaObject class has one mandatory attribute (javaClassName) and
   one optional attribute (javaCodebase).  javaClassName is used to
   store the fully qualified name of the object's Java class (e.g.,
   "java.lang.String").  This may be the object's most derived class's
   name, but does not have to be.  A superclass or interface in some
   cases might be most appropriate.  javaCodebase is a multivalued
   attribute that is used to store the location(s) of the object's class
   definition. These attributes' definitions are presented in Section 3.

2.2 Serialized Objects

   To "serialize" an object means to convert its state into a byte
   stream in such a way that the byte stream can be reverted back into a
   copy of the object.  A Java object is "serializable" if its class or
   any of its superclasses implements either the java.io.Serializable
   interface or its subinterface java.io.Externalizable.
   "Deserialization" is the process of converting the serialized form of
   an object back into a copy of the object.

   The Java platform specifies a default way by which serializable
   objects are serialized. A Java class can also override this default
   serialization and defines its own way of serializing objects of that
   class.  [Serial] describes object serialization in detail.

   When an object is serialized, information that identifies its class
   is recorded in the serialized stream. However, the class's definition
   ("class file") itself is not recorded. It is the responsibility of
   the system that is deserializing the object to determine the
   mechanism to use for locating and loading the associated class
   definitions. For example, the Java application might include in its
   classpath a JAR file containing the class definitions of the
   serialized object, or load the class definitions using information
   from the directory, as explained below.

2.2.1 Representation in the Directory

   A serialized object is stored in the directory using the attributes
   javaClassName, javaCodebase, and javaSerializedData, as defined in
   Section 3.  The mandatory attribute, javaSerializedData, contains the
   serialized form of the object.  Although the serialized form already
   contains the class name, the mandatory javaClassName attribute also
   records the name so that the class name can be determined without
   having to perform deserialization.  The optional javaCodebase
   attribute is used to store the locations of the class definitions
   needed to deserialize the serialized object.

   A directory entry containing a serialized object is represented by
   the object class javaSerializedObject, which is a subclass of
   javaObject. javaSerializedObject is an auxiliary object class, which
   means that it needs to be mixed in with a structural object class.
   javaSerializedObject's definition is given in Section 4.

2.3 Remote Objects

   The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system [RMI] is a mechanism
   that enables an object on one Java virtual machine to invoke methods
   on an object in another Java virtual machine. Any object whose
   methods can be invoked in this way must implement the java.rmi.Remote
   interface.  When such an object is invoked, its arguments are
   marshalled and sent from the local virtual machine to the remote one,
   where the arguments are unmarshalled and used.  When the method
   terminates, the results are marshalled from the remote machine and
   sent to the caller's virtual machine.

   To make remote objects accessible to other virtual machines, the
   program that created them must register each such object with the
   "RMI registry."  The program supplies to the RMI registry the string
   name of the remote object, and the remote object itself.  When a
   program wants to access a remote object, it asks the RMI registry on
   the same machine as the remote object for a reference ("stub") to the
   remote object. The remote object is named using an "rmi" URL such as
   "rmi://hostname:port/remoteObjectName", where "hostname" and "port"
   identify the machine and port on which the RMI registry is running,
   and "remoteObjectName" is the string name of the remote object.  If
   "remoteObjectName" is omitted, then the object being named is the RMI
   registry itself.  When the program receives the stub for the remote
   object, it can invoke methods on the remote object (through the
   stub). See [RMI] for details.

2.3.1 Representation in the Directory

   A remote object is stored in the directory using the attributes
   javaClassName, javaCodebase, and javaRemoteObject, defined in Section
   3.  The mandatory attribute, javaRemoteLocation, contains the URL of
   the remote object.  This is the string argument that is passed to the
   RMI registry when looking up the remote object.  For example, a
   remote object registered under the name "AppRemoteObjectX" with the
   RMI registry on machine "rserver" might be stored in the directory
   with the javaRemoteLocation attribute value
   "rmi://rserver/AppRemoteObjectX".  The mandatory javaClassName
   attribute is used to record the class name of the remote object.  The
   optional javaCodebase attribute is used to store the locations of the
   remote object's class definition.

   A directory entry containing a remote object is represented by the
   object class javaRemoteObject, which is a subclass of javaObject.
   javaRemoteObject is an auxiliary object class, which means that it
   needs to be mixed in with a structural object class.
   javaRemoteObject's definition is given in Section 4.

2.4 JNDI References

   Java Naming and Directory Interface(tm) (JNDI) [JNDI] is a directory
   access API specified in the Java programming language.  It provides
   an object-oriented view of the directory, allowing Java objects to be
   added to and retrieved from the directory without requiring the
   client to manage data representation issues.

   JNDI defines the notion of a "reference" for use when an object
   cannot be stored in the directory directly, or when it is
   inappropriate or undesirable to do so.  An object with an associated
   reference is stored in the directory indirectly, by storing its
   reference instead.

2.4.1 Contents of a Reference

   A JNDI reference is a Java object of class javax.naming.Reference.
   It consists of an ordered list of addresses, and class information
   about the object being referenced.  An address is a Java object of
   class javax.naming.RefAddr.  Each address contains information on how
   to construct the object.

   A common use for JNDI references is to represent connections to a
   network service such as a database, directory, or file system.  Each
   address may then identify a "communications endpoint" for that
   service, containing information on how to contact the service.
   Multiple addresses may arise for various reasons, such as replication
   or the object offering interfaces over more than one communication

   A reference also contains information to assist in creating an
   instance of the object to which the reference refers.  It contains
   the Java class name of that object, and the class name and location
   of the object factory to be used to create the object.  The
   procedures for creating an object given its reference, and the
   reverse, are described in [JNDI].

2.4.2 Representation in the Directory

   A JNDI reference is stored in the directory using the attributes
   javaClassName, javaCodebase, javaReferenceAddress, and javaFactory,
   defined in Section 3.  These attributes store information
   corresponding to the contents of a reference described above.
   javaReferenceAddress is a multivalued optional attribute for storing
   reference addresses.  javaFactory is the optional attribute for
   storing the object factory's fully qualified class name.  The
   mandatory javaClassName attribute is used to record the class name of
   the object.  The optional javaCodebase attribute is used to store the
   locations of the object factory's and the object's class definitions.

   A directory entry containing a JNDI reference is represented by the
   object class javaNamingReference, which is a subclass of javaObject.
   javaNamingReference is an auxiliary object class, which means that it
   needs to be mixed in with a structural object class.
   javaNamingReference's definition is given in Section 4.

2.5  Serialized Objects Vs. Remote Objects Vs. References

   Although all three object classes, javaSerializedObject,
   javaRemoteObject, and javaNamingReference, are used to represent Java
   objects, they do so storing different aspects of the Java objects.

   A javaRemoteObject and javaNamingReference provide a way of recording
   address information about an object which itself is not directly
   stored in the directory.  For javaSerializedObject, (a copy of) the
   object is itself stored in the directory. In other words, you can
   think of a javaRemoteObject and javaNamingReference as compact
   representations of the information required to access the object,
   while a javaSerializedObject is the representation of the object

   A javaNamingReference is a more general form of storing a reference
   to a Java object, while a javaRemoteObject is specifically for
   storing a reference to a Java RMI object.

   A javaRemoteObject and javaNamingReference typically consist of a
   small number of human-readable strings.  Standard text-based tools
   for directory administration may therefore be used to add, read, or
   modify reference entries -- if so desired -- quite easily.
   Serialized objects are not intended to be read or manipulated
   directly by humans.

3 Attribute Type Definitions

   The following attribute types are defined in this document:


3.1 javaClassName

   This attribute stores the Java object's fully qualified class or
   interface name (e.g. "java.lang.String").  This attribute's syntax
   is 'Directory String' and the case (upper or lower) of the string
   is significant.

         NAME 'javaClassName'
         DESC 'Fully qualified Java class or interface name'
         EQUALITY caseExactMatch

3.2 javaCodebase

   This attribute stores the Java class definition's locations.  It
   specifies the locations from which to load the class definition for the
   class specified by the javaClassName attribute.  It could be, for
   example, the URL of a JAR file (e.g., "http://webserver/appX/appx.jar";),
   or the URL of a file directory (e.g., "file:/pub/appXclasses/"). See [Java].
   This attribute can have multiple values. When more than one value has
   been specified, each is tried until the class definition has been
   successfully loaded.

   This attribute's syntax is 'IA5 String' and case is significant.

         NAME 'javaCodebase'
         DESC 'URL specifying the location of class definition'
         EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

3.3 javaSerializedData

   This attribute stores the serialized form of a Java object.  The
   serialized form is described in [Serial].

   This attribute's syntax is 'Binary'.

         NAME 'javaSerializedData
         DESC 'Serialized form of a Java object'

3.4 javaRemoteLocation

   This attribute stores the location of the Java RMI remote object.
   It is the URL that must be supplied to the RMI registry for looking up
   the remote object. See [RMI].

   This attribute's syntax is 'IA5 String' and case is significant.

         NAME 'javaRemoteLocation'
         DESC 'Location of a Java RMI remote object'
         EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

3.5 javaFactory

   This attribute stores the fully qualified class name of the object
   factory (e.g. "com.wiz.jndi.WizObjectFactory") that can be used to
   create an instance of the object identified by the javaClassName

   This attribute's syntax is 'Directory String' and case is significant.

         NAME 'javaFactory'
         DESC 'Fully qualified Java class name of a JNDI object factory'
         EQUALITY caseExactMatch

3.6 javaReferenceAddress

   This attribute represents the sequence of addresses of a JNDI
   reference.  Each of its values represents one address, a Java object
   of type javax.naming.RefAddr.  Its value is a concatenation of the
   address type and address contents, preceded by a sequence number (the
   order of addresses in a JNDI reference is significant).  For example:


   In more detail, the value is encoded as follows:

   The delimiter is the first character of the value.  For readability
   the character '#' is recommended when it is not otherwise used
   anywhere in the value, but any character may be used subject to
   restrictions given below.

   The first delimiter is followed by the sequence number.  The sequence
   number of an address is its position in the JNDI reference, with the
   first address being numbered 0.  It is represented by its shortest
   string form, in decimal notation.

   The sequence number is followed by a delimiter, then by the address
   type, and then by another delimiter.  If the address is of Java class
   javax.naming.StringRefAddr, then this delimiter is followed by the
   value of the address contents (which is a string).  Otherwise, this
   delimiter is followed immediately by another delimiter, and then by
   the Base64 encoding of the serialized form of the entire address.

   The delimiter may be any character other than a digit or a character
   contained in the address type.  In addition, if the address contents
   is a string, the delimiter may not be the first character of that string.

   This attribute's syntax is 'Directory String' and case is significant.
   It can contain multiple values.

         NAME 'javaReferenceAddress'
         DESC 'Addresses associated with a JNDI Reference'
         EQUALITY caseExactMatch

4 Object Class Definitions

   The following object classes are defined in this document:


4.1 javaContainer

   This structural object class represents a container for a Java object.

         NAME 'javaContainer'
         DESC 'Container for a Java object'
         SUP top
         MUST ( cn )

4.2 javaObject

   This abstract object class represents a Java object.
   A javaObject cannot exist in the directory;
   only auxiliary or structural subclasses of it can exist in the directory.

         NAME 'javaObject'
         DESC 'Java object representation'
         SUP top
         MUST ( javaClassName )
         MAY ( javaCodebase )

4.3 javaSerializedObject

   This auxiliary object class represents a Java serialized object.
   It must be mixed in with a structural object class.

         NAME 'javaSerializedObject'
         DESC 'Java serialized object'
         SUP javaObject
         MUST ( javaSerializedData )

4.4 javaRemoteObject

   This auxiliary object class represents a Java RMI remote object.
   It must be mixed in with a structural object class.

         NAME 'javaRemoteObject'
         DESC 'Java RMI remote object'
         SUP javaObject
         MUST ( javaRemoteLocation )

4.5 javaNamingReference

   This auxiliary object class represents a JNDI reference.
   It must be mixed in with a structural object class.

         NAME 'javaNamingReference'
         DESC 'JNDI reference'
         SUP javaObject
         MAY ( javaReferenceAddress $
               javaFactory )

5. Security Considerations

   Serializing an object and storing it into the directory enables (a
   copy of) the object to be examined and used outside the environment in
   which it was originally created.  The directory entry containing the
   serialized object could be read and modified within the constraints
   imposed by the access control mechanisms of the directory.  If an
   object contains sensitive information or information that could be
   misused outside of the context in which it was created, the object
   should not be stored in the directory.  For more details on
   security issues relating to serialization in general,
   see [Serial].

6. References

   [Java] Ken Arnold and James Gosling, "The Java(tm) Programming Language",
   Second Edition, ISBN 0-201-31006-6.

   [JNDI] The Java(tm) Naming and Directory Interface (tm) Specification,
   JavaSoft Division, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Feb 1998.

   [LDAPv3] M. Wahl, T. Howes, S. Kille, "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)"
   RFC2251, December 1997.

   [RMI] Remote Method Invocation,
   Java Software, Sun Microsystems, Inc., November 1998.

   [Serial] Object Serialization Specification,
   Java Software, Sun Microsystems, Inc., November 1998.

7. Authors' Addresses

   Vincent Ryan
   Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Mail Stop EDUB03
   901 San Antonio Road
   Palo Alto, CA 94303
   +353 1 819 9151

   Scott Seligman
   Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Mail Stop UCUP02-209
   901 San Antonio Road
   Palo Alto, CA 94303
   +1 408 863 3222

   Rosanna Lee
   Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   Mail Stop UCUP02-206
   901 San Antonio Road
   Palo Alto, CA 94303
   +1 408 863 3221

8. Appendix - LDAP Schema

       -- Attribute types --

         NAME 'javaClassName'
         DESC 'Fully qualified Java class or interface name'
         EQUALITY caseExactMatch

         NAME 'javaCodebase'
         DESC 'URL specifying the location of class definition'
         EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

         NAME 'javaSerializedData
         DESC 'Serialized form of a Java object'

         NAME 'javaRemoteLocation'
         DESC 'Location of a Java RMI remote object'
         EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

         NAME 'javaFactory'
         DESC 'Fully qualified Java class name of a JNDI object factory'
         EQUALITY caseExactMatch

         NAME 'javaReferenceAddress'
         DESC 'Addresses associated with a JNDI Reference'
         EQUALITY caseExactMatch

       -- Object classes --

         NAME 'javaContainer'
         DESC 'Container for a Java object'
         SUP top
         MUST ( cn )

         NAME 'javaObject'
         DESC 'Java object representation'
         SUP top
         MUST ( javaClassName )
         MAY ( javaCodebase )

         NAME 'javaSerializedObject'
         DESC 'Java serialized object'
         SUP javaObject
         MUST ( javaSerializedData )

         NAME 'javaRemoteObject'
         DESC 'Java RMI remote object'
         SUP javaObject
         MUST ( javaRemoteLocation )

         NAME 'javaNamingReference'
         DESC 'JNDI reference'
         SUP javaObject
         MAY ( javaReferenceAddress $
               javaFactory )

       -- Matching rule from X.520 --

         NAME 'caseExactMatch'