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Re: LDAP Authentication Consensus


I agree with Tim and Mark. Although I still have concerns about the lack of
strong authentication in large distributed systems (being the principal
proponent of the second proposal), we do need to progress the drafts Tim
refers to here. I agree with Tim that concensus has been reached, and would
like to publically support:

 - revising draft-leach-digest-sasl-00.txt and submitting
   it as an official LDAPEXT draft
 - revising draft-ietf-ldapext-authmeth-02.txt to
   reference the digest draft and progressing it
 - revising draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-tls-03.txt
   accordingly and progressing it


At 09:52 AM 11/11/98 -0800, Tim Howes wrote:
>All: The Great LDAP Mandatory-to-Implement Authentication
>Debate seems to have quieted recently. The purpose of this
>message is to summarize the problem and the history and to
>put forward our view on what we see as the rough consensus
>to which the group has come.
>LDAPv3 must specify at least one non-cleartext password
>authentication mechanism that is mandatory to implement.
>This way, when independent vendors go off and implement
>products, they will be guaranteed to interoperate with
>better-than-cleartext-password authentication. Other
>applications can and will require other authentication
>and security methods. This work does not preclude that.
>At the last meeting (August, in Chicago), the group agreed
>on several things:
>- TLS was too expensive to be a MUST.
>- TLS should proceed independently as a SHOULD.
>- Hardly anybody liked CRAM-MD5.
>- We sould evaluate Chris and Paul's revised Digest proposal
>  and adopt that if it was deemed to fix the problems with
>  CRAM-MD5.
>Since the August meeting, Chris and Paul have put out this
>defining digest as a SASL authentication mechanism and
>cleaning up some problems with the original digest specification.
>Several comments have been received, mostly minor, and a
>revision to address these comments is in the works.
>There has also been some debate on the list on the
>LDAP MTI subject. This debate can be categorized into
>the following proposals, presented below along with our
>assessment of where the rough consensus of the group
>stands with respect to each proposal.
>1) Make Digest a MUST, Make TLS a SHOULD. This is
>what was decided at the August meeting, pending the
>acceptability of the digest sasl document. The digest
>document since has received the rough concensus of
>the group that it is acceptable. Therefore, we
>recommend that we pursue this proposal as our way
>2) Make TLS and Digest a MUST for servers, a MUST choose
>one or the other for clients. This proposal has merit,
>since it avoids the main implementation concern for TLS,
>which is on the client side. It does not address the
>potential implementation burden on the server side,
>which is also substantial. While this proposal may be
>viable, we recommend the simpler approach above, since
>it places less burden on servers as well.
>3) Make CRAM-MD5 a MUST, make TLS a SHOULD. This
>proposal has not seen significant support in the
>group, and therefore we recommend dropping it from
>4) Make Kerberos or something else the LDAP MTI.
>None of these proposals have seen significant support
>in the group, and therefore we recommend dropping
>them from consideration.
>So, here is what we propose to move the group forward
>and solve this problem:
>- draft-leach-digest-sasl-00.txt should be revised
>and submitted as an LDAPEXT draft. We believe this
>will help it move through the process. It should be
>put up for working group last call.
>- draft-ietf-ldapext-authmeth-02.txt should be revised
>to reference the digest draft and progressed.
>- draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-tls-03.txt should be
>revised and progressed.
>All these revisions are currently done or underway,
>so the last calls should be issued soon.
>Finally, recall that our goal is rough consensus
>here, and we would ask you to all support this proposal
>in the interest of moving the group forward.
>Tim Howes
>Mark Wahl
>LDAPEXT Co-chairs