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Re: LDAP Authentication Consensus


I favor proposal 1, "digest MUST, TLS should."  This adequately
addresses the goal of "providing better-than-cleartext-password
authentication" at minimal implementation cost.


At 09:52 AM 11/11/98 -0800, Tim Howes wrote:
>All: The Great LDAP Mandatory-to-Implement Authentication
>Debate seems to have quieted recently. The purpose of this
>message is to summarize the problem and the history and to
>put forward our view on what we see as the rough consensus
>to which the group has come.
>LDAPv3 must specify at least one non-cleartext password
>authentication mechanism that is mandatory to implement.
>This way, when independent vendors go off and implement
>products, they will be guaranteed to interoperate with
>better-than-cleartext-password authentication. Other
>applications can and will require other authentication
>and security methods. This work does not preclude that.
>At the last meeting (August, in Chicago), the group agreed
>on several things:
>- TLS was too expensive to be a MUST.
>- TLS should proceed independently as a SHOULD.
>- Hardly anybody liked CRAM-MD5.
>- We sould evaluate Chris and Paul's revised Digest proposal
>  and adopt that if it was deemed to fix the problems with
>  CRAM-MD5.
>Since the August meeting, Chris and Paul have put out this
>defining digest as a SASL authentication mechanism and
>cleaning up some problems with the original digest specification.
>Several comments have been received, mostly minor, and a
>revision to address these comments is in the works.
>There has also been some debate on the list on the
>LDAP MTI subject. This debate can be categorized into
>the following proposals, presented below along with our
>assessment of where the rough consensus of the group
>stands with respect to each proposal.
>1) Make Digest a MUST, Make TLS a SHOULD. This is
>what was decided at the August meeting, pending the
>acceptability of the digest sasl document. The digest
>document since has received the rough concensus of
>the group that it is acceptable. Therefore, we
>recommend that we pursue this proposal as our way
>2) Make TLS and Digest a MUST for servers, a MUST choose
>one or the other for clients. This proposal has merit,
>since it avoids the main implementation concern for TLS,
>which is on the client side. It does not address the
>potential implementation burden on the server side,
>which is also substantial. While this proposal may be
>viable, we recommend the simpler approach above, since
>it places less burden on servers as well.
>3) Make CRAM-MD5 a MUST, make TLS a SHOULD. This
>proposal has not seen significant support in the
>group, and therefore we recommend dropping it from
>4) Make Kerberos or something else the LDAP MTI.
>None of these proposals have seen significant support
>in the group, and therefore we recommend dropping
>them from consideration.
>So, here is what we propose to move the group forward
>and solve this problem:
>- draft-leach-digest-sasl-00.txt should be revised
>and submitted as an LDAPEXT draft. We believe this
>will help it move through the process. It should be
>put up for working group last call.
>- draft-ietf-ldapext-authmeth-02.txt should be revised
>to reference the digest draft and progressed.
>- draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-tls-03.txt should be
>revised and progressed.
>All these revisions are currently done or underway,
>so the last calls should be issued soon.
>Finally, recall that our goal is rough consensus
>here, and we would ask you to all support this proposal
>in the interest of moving the group forward.
>Tim Howes
>Mark Wahl
>LDAPEXT Co-chairs