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Q's about the point 5.3. of the Draft "Referrals and knowledge re ferences in LDAP"

Hello Everybody,

> I have some question about the point 5.3 "Unnamed reference" of the
> Internet draft "Referrals and knowledge references in LDAP".
> Where should I store the unnamed reference?, on each leave entry?, on a
> sub-entry?
> The example in draft is:
> dn: ref=ldap://hostB/o=abc,c=us
> Is this the proposed DN to hold the Unnamed Reference? Formally speaking
> this is a valid DN but I think it is out of all schemata.
> What parts of the DIT are affected by this entry?, the leaves entries?
> How does this entry affects to the search operations?, In the same way as
> in X.500?
> In the X.500 the NSSR is an attribute in the Administrative Area. Is it
> the same for Unnamed Reference in LDAP?. 
> If not What do you think about create a new sub-entry where we could
> specify Unnamed references, and Superior references [5.2] on a similar way
> as the schema is stored?
> Regards,
> ------------
> Juan Pablo Cabrera Borges.
> KPN Research