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Re: subject


Tired of endlessly posting your ad to ONLINE CLASSIFIED SITES that don't get the results you need?

The fact is there are over 7000 such sites scattered about the web and frankly none of them generate enough traffic to be worth your while. 

The greatest way of marketing this century is undoubtedly direct e-mail.  The ability to promote your product, service, website or MLM/Network Marketing opportunity to millions instantly is what
advertisers have been dreaming of for over 100 years.  And the greatest part, it's completely affordable.  We will e-mail your one page promotion to a list of our general and/or targeted list.

Call 1-972-227-7286 to get current prices.  If you respond by 26th of September, receive a special discount.

NOTICE: No pornogaphy, chain letters, get quick rich scheme, or any threating or questionable materials.  Don't even Ask!!

* * *  SPECIAL OF THE DAY: 20 Million addresses on a CD-ROM, General and targeted.

This CD consists 16 of the biggest companies. Also receive targeted lists of Bizmlm, Bizopp, Consumer, food, health, investing and etc.
Other services charge upward of 5 cents per address for this type of targeted list. (appx. 1.6 million)

This CD has over 20 million addresses, these are less than 30 days old.
This CD was sorted/deduped, and randomized in each domain. These were run against the global remove list, and through our 140 mb (almost 7million) remove\flamer list.

The EDU, ORG, Gov, Mil, and US was removed with some domains that ask not receive e-mail. Then CD was run against our custom filter with 492 keywords to remove more.  Also we have 61mbs of undeliverables, just to
make sure our list are clean as possible.

Regular price is $299, but If its purchased before 9-26-98
Only $199 and PRIORITY shipping is included.

Call 1-972-227-7286 for complete details.