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Re: authmeth-17 notes

Thanks for your review. I really appreciate the assistance.
> >>> Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> 11/8/2005 7:49:16 am >>>
> Sorry to be so late...
> >3.1.2. Client Certificate
> >   If a client that has provided a suitable certificate subsequently
> >   performs a Bind operation using the SASL EXTERNAL authentication
> >   mechanism (section 5.2.1), information in the certificate may
> >   be used by the server to identify and authenticate the client.
> Why was "may subsequently be used" changed to "may be used" here?
I removed the phrase because it was redundant. The "subsequently" part was already in the first part of the sentence, so the 2nd subsequently wasn't necessary.

> Comparison of DNS Names
> >   That is, the subject
> >   *.example.com matches the server names a.example.com and
> >   b.example.com but not the server name example.com.
> This example lost one case since authmeth-16.  I suggest:
> >   That is, the subject
> >   *.example.com matches the server name a.example.com, but not
> >   the server names example.com and b.a.example.com.
Thanks. Good catch. The sentence now reads:
"That is, the subject *.example.com matches the server names a.example.com and b.example.com but does not match example.com or a.b.example.com."