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Re: [Protocol] clarification on StartTLS resonse (WAS: authmeth-15notes)


>>> Roger Harrison 10/20/05 8:15:32 am >>>

I agree with Hallvard on this one. Jim, can you add the sentence, "In this case the LDAP session is left without a TLS layer," at the end of section 4.14.2?



>>> Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> 10/19/05 11:12 pm >>>
Since Roger said protocol-like issues were moved back to [Protocol], I
suggest the last sentence in Authmeth-16 3.1.2 is moved to [Protocol]

   "Authmeth-16 3.1.2. StartTLS Response

   The server will return a resultCode other than success (as
   documented in [Protocol] section 4.14.2) if it is unwilling or
   unable to negotiate TLS.  In this case the LDAP session is left
   without a TLS layer."

Then Authmeth does not need to mention non-success StartTLS at all, it
can just say that the rest of the section is about TLS issues after a
success response.
