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Re: acknowledgements and copyright

At 12:58 PM 3/25/2005, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
>Should [Syntaxes] & [Schema] include X.500 in
>Acknowledgements?  Maybe [Protocol] and [Roadmap] too.
>[Models] does.  The other drafts don't seem to need to.

I think not.  The [Models] document is based on the
X.501(93) document.  Other LDAPBIS I-Ds may well be
based ideas expressed in X.500 documents, but they
are not based on X.500 documents (at least not in
the same way and/or degree [Models] is).

>I'm wondering how the copyright notices work. The drafts'
>copyright notices say Copyright ... <just one year>.  Yet
>copyright notices I see in software tend to have a list of
>years, right back to when the code was first written.

Different strokes for different folks.
The IETF has its stoke, see applicable BCPs (78/79).
