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At my request, Andrew Sciberras <andrew.sciberras@eB2Bcom.com>
has taken over Editor duties for the draft-ietf-ldapbis-user-schema 
deliverable.  Andrew is preparing a revision addressing issues
raised during and since the WG Last Call, in particular:
	* Use modern I-D templates
	* fix references
	* correct spelling
	* correct registeredAddress example (unnecessary escaping)
	* SASLprep "stored"/"query" string clarification(s)
	* IDN toUnicode/toAscii clarification(s)
	* countryName (c) X.520 alignment

If you are aware of other technical issues which need to be
addressed, please post a summary to the list as soon as
possible so that they may be discussed and appropriate
direction given to the Editor.

Editorial issues should be sent directly to Andrew.

I have asked to Andrew to produce an I-D in the next week or
so.  After allowing for appropriate WG review of the changes
made since WG Last Call, and barring any significant new issues,
the next revision will be recommended to the IESG for

Kurt, LDAPBIS co-chair