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Re: Wording of Authorization deefinition (was Re: protocol-27 comments #3)

I agree withi this. This was added to 2251, but hasn't been needed since we added AuthMeth.
If no one disagrees, I'll remove it.

>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 11/11/04 10:46:12 PM >>>
Given our reference to [AuthMeth], I think it best to delete
the whole paragraph containing this text. The paragraph is
simply not needed anymore (in [Protocol]).


At 03:51 PM 11/9/2004, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>ok, new text is:
>The process of authorization may, among other things, consider
>authentication information obtained during the bind operation, and/or
>other acts of authentication (such as lower layer security services).
>>>> Hallvard B Furuseth < h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no > 11/9/04 6:32:32 AM
>Jim Sermersheim writes:
>> Is this less or more confusing?
>> The process of authorization may consider (among other things),
>> authentication information obtained during the bind operation,
>> may consider other acts of authentication (such as lower layer
>> services).
>Less confusing, less neat. I would
>s/consider (among other things)/among other things consider/
>s/may consider other acts/other acts/.
>Or keep the original text, but with s/takes as input/may consider/.
>Though now that I see how the original text should be read, I'm not
>I want to argue it is confusing. I'm quite capable of confusing myself
>without help from the draft.