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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ldapbis-url-07.txt

Mark & Kurt,

     scope       = "base" / "one" / "sub"
     filter      = <filter from Section 4 of [Filters]>
                     ; See the "Escaping Using the % Method"
                     ; section below.
     extensions  = extension *(COMMA extension)
     extension   = [EXCLAMATION] extype [EQUALS exvalue]
     extype      = oid / oiddescr

This should just be: extype = <oid from section 1.4 of [Models]>

This isn't ABNF. I much prefer this:

   extype = oid ; from section 1.4 of [Models]

or this:

   extype = oid

   The <oid> rule is defined in [Models].
