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Re: protocol-27 comments

>>> Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> 10/29/04 6:40:42 AM >>>
>Jim Sermersheim writes:
>> How about: "Whether the modification was applied or not is indeterminate..."?
>>>Also, I think s/received/sent/. This sentence is about what the server
>>>does, not about what the client knows.
>> Well, who is making the determination? The client. And the client receives
>> the response.
>Or rather it doesn't in this case. But that's implicit from the fact
>that it receives no response.
>My point is, we need something which says that the _server_ may either
>perform the modification or not.
I don't think it really matters, but I can change it to:
"Whether the modification is applied or not is indeterminate if the Modify Response is not sent or received (e.g. the LDA exchange is terminated or the Modify Operation is abandoned)."
Note that the server may have sent the response, but it was never received due to a communincations problem, so it's still indeterminate from the client's point of view.
Of course this is true of any update operation, and maybe it belongs somewhere else.