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Re: authmeth: unsupported <TLS+anonymous bind>

For authmeth -10, the single, consolidated section on anonymous authentication now states that LDAP implementations MUST support anonymous authentication with no other qualifications. The fact that Start TLS is a required-to-implement operation implies that implementations MUST support anonymous authentication when TLS is established.

>>> Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> 1/3/2004 7:34:17 AM >>>
authmeth-09 says:

> 5. Anonymous Authentication

> LDAP implementations MUST support anonymous authentication, as
> defined in section 5.1.
> LDAP implementations MAY support anonymous authentication with TLS,
> as defined in section 5.2.

Huh? Why allow implementations to not support anonymous
authentication on secure connections, but support it on insecure
ones? I could understand it if it was the other way around - along
with not implementing Simple Bind at all without TLS.
