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Re: Specifying non-tcp transports referrals

But read a little further:

>   URLs for servers implementing the LDAP protocol are written
>   to [9].  

(where [9] is [LDAPURL])

This means that URLs pointing to LDAP servers, follow [LDAPURL]. And if
[LDAPURL] is only used for TCP/IP... Well, it means any URL to an LDAP
server means TCP is used. This is too limiting (in my view).

BTW, I agree with the s/LDAPURL/URL in the ASN.1


>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 6/27/03 3:43:54 PM >>>
At 11:39 AM 6/26/2003, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>The other problem is (and maybe this is really a problem to be solved
>in [Protocol] is that a referral is a sequence of LDAPURL, where
>follows [LDAPURL]. And also we see in the referral definition: 

RFC 2251,
   LDAPURL ::= LDAPString -- limited to characters permitted in URLs

That is, an LDAPURL != [LDAPURL].   It might be wise to
s/LDAPURL/URL/ in the ASN.1.

>I also thing that if [LDAPURL] is meant to implicitly specify TCP, it
>should be called out.

Likely some clarification here is appropriate.
