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Re: Attribute Name Length Bounds

I'm still a little fuzzy on the scope of this discussion.

The ASN.1 for attribute names is an unbounded OCTET STRING. 

This discussion seems to be saying "even though the protocol says the
size is unlimited (well, limited to a ber length), we want to be more
explicit and require protocols peers to handle some minimum size".

What else does this discussion apply to?
- LDAPDN (how long of a DN am I required to handle?)
- RelativeLDAPDN 
- AttributeValue/AssertionValue (I note that the current len descriptor
on attributes is a 'suggested minimum')
- MatchingRuleId
- LDAPResult.diagnosticMessage
- LDAPURL (I suppose enough for a minimal scheme and delimiters is
- SASL mechanism (implied 1 to 20)
- SASL credentials
- control/extendedValue
- simple password

AFAIK, today these all have a max-ber-len max. and no mandatory minimum
is explicitly required to be supported.
