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RE: [Syntaxes] Generalized Time inconsistent with ASN.1

Steven Legg writes:
>Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
>> ASN.1: X.680 (07/2002), section 42, says that 'Z' or timezone in
>> Generalized Time is optional, and if it is missing the time is local
>> time.  In the Syntaxes draft, 'Z' or timezone is mandatory.
> It's mandatory in the syntaxes draft because it is mandatory in RFC 2252.
> RFC 2252 disallows local time.

I take it making the time zone optional is too big a change for ldapbis?
How about allowing servers to support local time, but not demainding it?

Or does X.500 disallow local time too?  I've looked at X.500, but all I
could find was X.520 6.3.3 'Generalized Time Match' which refers to
clauses 34.3 b) or c) of CCITT Rec. X.208 | ISO/IEC 8824.
