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Re: Object class subschema

Michael Ströder wrote:
> Referring to section 6.2 of draft-ietf-ldapbis-syntaxes-02.txt:
> ---------------------- snip ---------------------
>        ( NAME 'subschema'
>     The ldapSyntaxes operational attribute can also be present in
>     subschema entries.
> What's the rationale behind not including attribute type
> ldapSyntaxes in MAY expression?
> sounds like an OID from the X.500 space.  But the ldapSyntaxes
and ldapSchemas attributes which can also be present in subschema entries
are not defined in X.500 and so cannot be added to their subschema class
without changing the definition.  In practice this should not matter 
because all of the attributes listed there are operational and so are not
governed by object class rules in most implementations.

Mark Wahl
Sun Microsystems Inc.