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Re: ;binary design teams

At 11:03 AM 2002-04-21, David Chadwick wrote:
>"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
>> Two design teams have been formed to offer replacement text
>> for Section 4.1.5 of draft-ietf-ldapbis-protocol-07.txt to the
>> WG.  A leader for each team has been chosen by the WG chairs from
>> the team members.  This leader will serve as editor of the
>> replacement text.  The design teams are expected to be
>> short-lived (2-4 weeks).
>I dont like the briefs of the design teams as they are diametrically
>opposed to each other. I think that better briefs would be

To clarify:

Each team should provide a replacement text for WG consideration
which is consistent with its view.  The description of the team
is informational in nature.
