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Re: Informational RFC to be: draft-fleming-ldap-printer-schema-01.txt(fwd)

Not being sure which list to send any comments to, I chose the cheap way
out with reply to all the original message was sent to.

Reading the proposed schema brings the following issues to my mind (in
order of importance):  

1)Several of the attribute definitions have upper limits (I know that
the LDAP standard says these are suggestions, but I know of at least one
implementation that treats them as hard upper limits), and I question
first of all why even have suggested upper limits.  Some of these
attributes contain specific values, and thus would probably be OK with
the limits, but others, e.g. printer-info, contain arbitrary data, and
that should not be set to such a low limit as 127.

2) All the names seem to go against standard ldap convention.  All are
of the form printer-word1-word2-word3.  Convention in the ldap world
would have the names be printerWord1Word2Word3 instead, without the '-'

3) Section 4.24 printer-resolution-supported.  This defines a multi
part field which is delimited with the '>' character.  Typically, LDAP 
delimits fields with a '$' character.  I would thing this attribute
either a) deserves its own syntax (not my first choice), b) should be
specified in three attributes rather than one, or c) should use a more
standard delimiter.  That said, any delimiter is legal here, so if there
is good reason for the '>' delimiter, it could be used.  Also, is the
final delimiter necessary?

Mark Hinckley

>>> Patrik Fältström <paf@cisco.com> 02/20/02 10:54AM >>>
Can some of you have a look at these and let me know what you think?


---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: onsdag 20 februari 2002 17.24 +0000
From: RFC Editor <rfc-ed@ISI.EDU>
To: iesg@ietf.org 
Subject: Informational RFC to be:


This RFC-to-be was submitted to the RFC Editor to be published as
Informational: draft-fleming-ldap-printer-schema-01.txt.

Four week timeout is initiated (20 March 2002).

                 LDAP Schema for Printer Services

   This document provides information for the Internet community.  It
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  This document
   defines an LDAP schema, object classes and attributes, for printers
   and printer services, for use with directories that support
   Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv3) [RFC2251].  This
   document is based on the printer attributes listed in Appendix E of
   Internet Printing Protocol (IPP/1.1) [RFC2911], the Service
   Protocol (SLPv2) [RFC2608] 'service:printer:' template defined in
   [SLPPRT], and the mapping between SLP service advertisements and
   descriptions of services defined in [RFC2926].

** Please note that the RFC Editor intends to expand "LDAP" in the
title if this document is accepted for publication as an RFC.


Sandy Ginoza - USC/ISI
Request for Comments Documents

Voice: (310) 822-1511 x89369
Fax: (310) 823-6714

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