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Summary of comments: IETF ldapbis WG Last Call: draft-ietf-ldapbis-filter-01.txt

The Filter I-D WG Last Call concluded last week.  The following
issues were raised and should be resolved as indicated:

1) Steve raised an issue that the ASN.1 for and/or filter SETs
are not limited to one or more elements per text of RFC 2251
and ABNF of RFC 2253 and suggested the ASN.1 be modified to
include SIZE (1..MAX) restrictions.  MarkS agreed but noted
that this is primarily an protocol I-D issue, not a filter I-D
issue.  ACTION: JimS to review protocol issue and make
recommendation for WG consideration.  Once resolved, MarkS
should update the ASN.1 fragments provided in the filter I-D.

2) Steve raised an issue regarding the clarity of ABNF and text
associated with <MatchingRuleId> and <AssertionValue> and
suggested some changes.  MarkS agreed that some changes was
needed.  ACTION: Further discussion is needed.  I suggest
we discuss this over the next week and then Mark can make
a recommendation for WG consideration.

3) Steve raised an issue regarding the clarify of the value
encoding when the value is not UTF-8 and made some general
suggestions.  Mark agreed that clarity should be improved
here.  ACTION: Further discussion is needed.  I suggest
we discuss this over the next week and then Mark can make
a recommendation for WG consideration.

4) Implementation report needs to be produced.  Further
changes may become necessary to remove any feature for which
we do not have two independently developed interoperable
implementations of.  ACTION: Chair(s)/Editor to prepare
report based upon WG input.

It's my opinion that, aside from the above issues, the WG
consensus is that this document is ready to be progressed.
Further revisions of the filter I-D should be to address
these issues.

Kurt Zeilenga
LDAPbis co-chair