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ABNF tweak for draft-zeilenga-ldapbis-rfc2253-02


Sitting on the plane to San Diego, I had occasion to look through this
draft and compare the ABNF to 2234.

While syntactically correct, the draft makes more use of prose rules
(the rules in <>) then I think is absolutely necessary.  So, I suggest
the following tweaks:

Instead of

   quotechar     = <any character except "\" or QUOTATION >
   ALPHA      =  <any ASCII alphabetic character>
                                        ; (decimal 65-90 and 97-122)
   DIGIT      =  <any ASCII decimal digit>  ; (decimal 48-57)
   QUOTATION  =  <the ASCII double quotation mark character '"' decimal

I'd suggest

   quotechar = %x00-%x21 / %x23-%x5B / %x5D-7F ; any character except "\" or

   ALPHA      = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; any ASCII alphabetic character
   DIGIT      = %x30-39 ; any ASCII decimal digit
   QUOTATION  = %x22 ; ASCII double quotation mark character '"'

Yeah, these are probably nits, but its real easy to drop them in :-).

Ryan Moats