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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-zeilenga-ldapbis-rfc2253-01.txt

>>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 10/30/00 6:02:12 PM >>>
>At 05:12 PM 10/30/00 -0700, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>>There are some inconsistencies between the two ways the string is represented in 2.4 and 3.
>>2.4 talks about escaping a space character at the beginning or the end of the string. It doesn't say whether multiple spaces each need to be escaped.
>They MAY be escaped (like any other character).
>        cn=\20 John  Smith \20,dc=example,dc=com
>is fine.
My read of 2.4 says that there are 10 things that need to be escaped by the \ prefix mechanism (not \xx). These are:
A space or "#" at the begining
A space at the end
one of the other special char's.
When I read "If a character to be escaped is one of the list shown above, then it is prefixed by a backslash ('\' ASCII 92)" I apply it to the full set of characters (including pre space and #, and post space. Maybe it means only the list of characters in the third bullet item, but that's not how I read it. This tells me that these are legaI, and the proper way to escape pre/post spaces and inital #:
cn=\ John  Smith \ ,dc=example,dc=com
cn=\#John  Smith,dc=example,dc=com

>>3 includes "#" as a special char but not " ".
>" " should not be in special as it would allow:
>  cn=\ foo\ ,dc=example,dc=com
>which is bogus per 2.4....
Again, this is not how I interpret 2.4. the wording "the list shown above" is open to interpretation.

>>The only time "#" needs to be escaped is when it appears at the beginning of the string.
>3's special should be consistent with 2.4's
>   o   one of the characters ",", "+", """, "\", "<", ">" or ";"
>that is, the '#' should not be listed.  That, is:
>  cn=foo#bar,dc=example,dc=com
>is fine per 2.4.
I agree

>>Likewise, the space char should be accounted for.
>>Adjust if only the first or last of multiple leading or following spaces needs to be escaped.
>No requirement to escape, hence no adjustment needed for space.
A beginning or ending space needs to be escaped. One of my original questions is also, do multiple beginning or ending spaces need to be escaped? i.e.:
cn=\ \ foo\ \ ,dc=example,dc=com
or, as the case may be,

>How's this:
>      distinguishedName = [name]
>                           ; may be empty
>      name              = name-component *("," name-component)
>      name-component    = attributeTypeAndValue *("+" attributeTypeAndValue)
>      attributeTypeAndValue
>                        = attributeType "=" attributeValue
>      attributeType     = (ALPHA 1*keychar) / oid
>      keychar           = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-"
>      oid               = 1*DIGIT *("." 1*DIGIT)
>      attributeValue    = string | hexstring
>      string            = *( stringchar | pair )
>      special           = "," / "=" / "+" / """ / "<" /  ">" / ";"
>      pair              = ESC ( ESC / special / hexpair )
>      stringchar        = <any character except one of special or ESC>
>      hexstring         = "#" 1*hexpair
>      hexpair           = HEX HEX
>      HEX               = DIGIT
>                          / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
>                          / "a" / "b" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f"
>      ALPHA             = <any ASCII alphabetic character>
>                           ; decimal 65-90 and 97-122
>      DIGIT             = <any ASCII decimal digit>
>                           ; decimal 48-57
>      ESC               = <the ASCII backslash character "\">
>                           ; decimal 92

This BNF doesn't tell me how to properly represent these in LDAP v3:
cn="#123 foo",dc=example,dc=com
cn=" foo ",dc=example,dc=com
It also now allows me to do this:
cn=#123 foo,dc=example,dc=com