(Answer) (Category) OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Trash : (Answer) how to define my own objectclass and attribute
I want to define my new objectclass and attribute for special usage. my openldap is V2.0.19. I have added a new objectclass vc_user_test in core.schema file:
  objectclass ( NAME 'vc_user_test' SUP top STRUCTURAL
        MUST ( uid )
        MAY ( cn $ sn ) )
while start slapd daemon,it reported that my defination format is wrong. comparing to objectclass example in core.schema, my defination is less a numericoid such as "" But I don't know how to set this numericoid. and I try another method to define:
  objectclass vc_user_test
this time,slapd daemon start ok,but I cannot add any entry of this objectclass my ldif file is:#cn=cao007, ou=manager, dc=chinaweal, dc=com
  dn: cn=cao007, ou=manager, dc=chinaweal, dc=com
  uid: cao007
  cn: cao007
  cn: cao007.1
  sn: cao007.sn
  sn: cao007.sn.1
  objectclass: vc_user_test
when using ldapadd to add this entry,it returned
  ldap_add: Invalid syntax
        additional info: objectclass: value #0 invalid per syntax
how can i do?

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