(Answer) (Category) OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic : (Category) OpenLDAP Software FAQ : (Category) Configuration : (Category) SLAPD Configuration : (Category) Replication : (Answer) How do I add slaves?

You do have to stop the master to add a slave, no way around it. The master creates the replog, and the replog contains the list of hosts to replicate to. My procedure for adding slaves is as follows:

  • Change slapd.conf to list the new slave.
  • Stop slurpd and manually edit slurpd.status, copying the line of and existing slave, changing the name to match the new slave.
  • Stop slapd on an existing slave. Copy the database to the new slave. Start slapd on both slaves.
  • Restart slapd on the master.
  • Restart slurpd.

By, for instance, creating an "administrative" slave, you can always take down a non-production slave to do copies. Also, stopping the master only causes writes to fail, not reads -- presuming that you direct most or all read traffic to read-only slaves.

One thing I haven't noticed mentioned in the instructions here or in the Admin Guide is that the placement of the replica (and probably the replog) is important. It must be after the database specification which it is replicating. When running slurpd -d 255, the following message was issued:
Replica ldap.example.com:389, skip repl record for UID=BJENSEN,OU=PEOPLE,DC=EXAMPLE,DC=COM (not mine)

You might also notice the replog entries lack the required replica entry, before the change to be make.

Note: this comment is only partially correct and might be misleading. See this comment.

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