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Re: ACL - grant access to subtree by regex (solved)

Am Sat, 29 Jun 2013 12:27:00 -0700
schrieb Philip Guenther <guenther+ldaptech@sendmail.com>:

> >   access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?ou=([^,]+),ou=mail,dc=example,dc=tld$"
> >     by
> > dn.onelevel,expand="ou=admins,ou=$1,ou=mail,dc=example,dc=tld"
> > write by * break  
> You changed the number of parentheses, so surely that should be $2
> instead of $1 in the second line, no?

Yes, you are right! It has to be $2.

> > please see [1] for explanation.  

> Error, dangling footnote.

Oh, the footnote is in the first mail ;)
[1] http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/973.html

Thank you for improvement!

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