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Re: RE24 testing call (OpenLDAP 2.4.34)

--On Thursday, February 21, 2013 03:24:01 PM -0800 Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@zimbra.com> wrote:

If you know how to build OpenLDAP manually, and would like to participate in testing the next set of code for the 2.4.34 release, please do so.

Generally, get the code for RE24:


Configure & build.

Execute the test suite (via make test) after it is built.



Built debian packages, installed on a master, and loaded the database.
This is on debian testing (wheezy).  The master looks fine.  This is
using back-mdb.  Load with mdb is much faster than old hdb backends.
I will get some real numbers in a day or two.

I am having issues with the slave.  Packages install fine.  When I
start to slapadd load data theeta starts at 5 minutes and just keeps
increasing.  I killed it after about 15 minutes when the eta hit 25
minutes and was still climbing.  Thought it must be something in my
configuration and just tried pulling the exact configuration I used to
load the master to the slave hardware and got the same results.  More
debugging to do to try and figure out what is up, but it does not look
like a openldap problem.  When the load starts to slow down the progress
display freezes for 30-60 seconds (a guess, but a while anyway) and then
picks up again.



Bill MacAllister
Infrastructure Delivery Group, Stanford University