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LDAP search filter on superior/parent attribute

Have a schema:
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'orderingInteger' DESC
'Integer with ordering' EQUALITY integerMatch ORDERING
integerOrderingMatch SYNTAX )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'timeInteger' DESC 'Integer
time representation' SUP orderingInteger )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'Mailbox' DESC 'Mailbox
name' SUP info )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'timeIntegerYear' DESC
'Integer year representation' SUP timeInteger )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'timeIntegerMonth' DESC
'Integer month representation' SUP timeInteger )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'timeIntegerDay' DESC
'Integer day of the month representation' SUP timeInteger )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'timeIntegerHour' DESC
'Integer hour representation' SUP timeInteger )
olcAttributeTypes: ( 2.999.777. NAME 'timeIntegerMinute' DESC
'Integer minute representation' SUP timeInteger )
olcObjectClasses: ( 2.999.777.1.2.3 NAME 'entry' SUP top STRUCTURAL MAY
( timeInteger $ timeIntegerYear $ timeIntegerMonth $ timeIntegerDay $
timeIntegerHour $ timeIntegerMinute ) )

Have a search:

This search may return entries like:
timeInteger: 1347014897
timeIntegerYear: 2012
timeIntegerMonth: 9

The entry with timeInteger=1347014897 is obviously not in
[1348900000,1349000000] range, but it is matched because there are
another attributes in the entry with "SUP timeInteger", so
timeIntegerYear=2012 is matched the (timeInteger<=1349000000) filter part.

I'm looking for RFC that describes such behavior.

Roman Rybalko