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Re: slapo-chain on syncrepl slave. I simply can't get it working. Help??

I also tried to upgrade syncrepl to TLS and while replication works fine
over TLS, chaining still says Strong(er) authentication is needed.

And i get

50150d47 do_bind: dn () SASL mech EXTERNAL
50150d47 ==>slap_sasl2dn: converting SASL name
cn=cn\3Dreplicator,o=webgate,st=some-state,c=au to a DN
50150d47 ==> rewrite_context_apply [depth=1]
50150d47 ==> rewrite_rule_apply rule='cn=replicator'
string='cn=cn\3Dreplicator,o=webgate,st=some-state,c=au' [1 pass(es)]
50150d47 ==> rewrite_context_apply [depth=1]
50150d47 slap_parseURI: parsing
50150d47 >>> dnNormalize: <cn=cn\3Dreplicator,o=webgate,st=some-state,c=au>
50150d47 <<< dnNormalize: <cn=cn\3Dreplicator,o=webgate,st=some-state,c=au>
50150d47 <==slap_sasl2dn: Converted SASL name to
50150d47 slap_sasl_getdn: dn:id converted to
50150d47 SASL Authorize [conn=1017]:  proxy authorization allowed authzDN=""
50150d47 send_ldap_sasl: err=0 len=-1
50150d47 do_bind: SASL/EXTERNAL bind:
dn="cn=cn\3Dreplicator,o=webgate,st=some-state,c=au" sasl_ssf=0

ive got this on the master:

authz-policy    to
authz-regexp cn=replicator "cn=replicator,ou=daemons,dc=webgate,dc=net,dc=au"

"cn=replicator" is the CommonName set in the private key