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Re: ACL control with break

On Sat, 26 May 2012, Nick Milas wrote:
> On 25/5/2012 6:59 ??, Nick Milas wrote:
> > You mean that if we use a <what> statement without an "attrs=" clause, 
> > then it affects children and entry pseudo-attributes as well? And what 
> > if there is a filter specified too (still without an "attrs=" clause)?
> From some research I did (e.g.:
> http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1140.html), I don't see cases of
> implicit change (meant as described above) of entry and children
> pseudo-attributes.

You didn't see the last example on that page?
access to dn.onelevel="dc=example,dc=com"
                by dnattr=creatorsName write
                by * read

No attrs clause, and yet for the behavior described there to work it must 
be giving access to the 'entry' pseudo-attr.

> In case we would like an ACL statement to include all attributes *plus* 
> the pseudo-attributes, then we should explicitly specify, for example:
> access to dn.subtree="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
> attrs="@extensibleObject,children,entry"
>    by dn.exact="uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" write
>    ...

@extensibleObject covers *EVERYTHING*, including the pseudo-attrs entry 
and children.

> If anyone has more details on this, I would appreciate your feecback.

Let's do something *crazy*: let's *actually try it*!

I added the following two acls to an existing server
# Just needed so I can add dc=testing...
access to dn.exact="" attrs=children
    by dn.exact="mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com" write

access to dn.sub="dc=testing"
    by dn.exact="mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com" write

This server had no dc=testing tree at this point.  With those ACLs 
present, I was then able to bind as the indicated user and create a 
dc=testing entry and an entry below it:

$ ldapadd -D mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com -w foobar
dn: dc=testing
changetype: add
objectclass: domain
dc: testing

adding new entry "dc=testing"

dn: ou=foo,dc=testing
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: foo

adding new entry "ou=foo,dc=testing"


So, no attrs clause on the second ACL but I was able to create entries 
covered by it.

I then replaced those two ACLs with this single one:
access to dn.sub="dc=testing" attrs="objectclass,ou,entry"
    by dn.exact="mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com" write

I.e., the ACL no longer gives write access to the 'children' 

Adding an entry then fails:

$ ldapadd -D mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com -w foobar
dn: ou=baz,dc=testing
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: baz

adding new entry "ou=baz,dc=testing"
ldap_add: Insufficient access (50)
        additional info: no write access to parent


I then updated that ACL to include children:
access to dn.sub="dc=testing" attrs="objectclass,ou,entry,children"
    by dn.exact="mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com" write

...and now the same add succeeds:

$ ldapadd -D mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com -w 
dn: ou=baz,dc=testing
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: baz

adding new entry "ou=baz,dc=testing"


Those two tests together show that the server is indeed checking for the 
'children' attr, so it's not that it just wasn't looking.

Finally, let's try using attrs="@extensibleObject"  (I only mention it 
because that's what the *documention* says is the default.)
access to dn.sub="dc=testing" attrs="@extensibleObject"
    by dn.exact="mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com" write

$ ldapadd -D mailRoutingAddress=foo@foo.com,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com -w 
dn: ou=quux,dc=testing
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: quux

adding new entry "ou=quux,dc=testing"


So @extensibleObject clearly must cover 'children'.

I suggest you set up a similar test environment and play around with some 
ACLs on a real system.  Less theory and more practice will lead to faster 
results.  For example, you could set up an ACL with a filter clause and 
answer your own question about whether that affects the attrs matched.
