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Re: Adding many users together

On 06/12/11 20:59 +0100, Andreas Rudat wrote:

I have 100 users which I have to add into my ldap database, how can I do
that? With a ldif file?
Like that?

 dn: cn=John Doe, ou=Rochester, o=IBM, c=US
 objectclass: person
 objectclass: inetOrgPerson
 objectclass: top
 objectclass: organizationalPerson
 objectclass: ePerson
 cn: John Doe
 sn: Doe
 uid: jdoe
 userpassword: secretpass

I think its realy horrible if I want to add 100 users in this way?

There are a few ldap enabled 'useradd' or 'adduser' scripts floating around
as well as conversion scripts that you could retrofit for your needs, or
just take some time to learn how to do the above with a shell script that
accept a csv list of users. It shouldn't really be all more time consuming
that adding those users with traditional methods.

Think of an ldap server as an easily scriptable database interface.

Dan White