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SHELL env variable not red


I have configured nss/pam on a REDHAT6 box to authenticate users
against an ldap : it works but I have a problem with getting my favorite
user shell when I log in.

The "loginShell" shell attribute sounds to not been used to provide users
with their favorite shell when they log in : may be I misunderstood the
usage of this "posixAccount" attribute ?

Thanks for your help, see below for additional indications :

$ ssh olivier@redhatbox.example.fr
olivier@redhatbox.example.fr's password:  < MY LDAP PASSWORD>

RHN Satellite kickstart on 2011-06-16

 #  redhatbox.example.fr #
 #                                  #
 #           Hello               #

sh-4.1$ grep olivier /etc/passwd
            <returns nothing (no local entry for olivier)>

-sh-4.1$ pwd

/home/olivier  (my home directory found in ldap)

-sh-4.1$ env | grep -i shell
SHELL=/bin/sh  ( my shell user environnment is not picked in ldap)

sh-4.1$  ldapsearch -D uid=olivier,ou=staff,ou=people,dc=example,dc=fr
-W uid=olivier

Enter LDAP Password: < MY LDAP PASSWORD>

# olivier, staff, people, example.fr
dn: uid=olivier,ou=staff,ou=people,dc=example,dc=fr
cn: Olivier G
gidNumber: 18000
homeDirectory: /home/olivier
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
sn: olivier
uid: olivier
uidNumber: 1000
shadowLastChange: 15282
loginShell: /bin/tcsh
givenName: Olivier
mail: olivier@example.fr
userPassword:: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

-sh-4.1$ cat /etc/shells
/bin/tcsh            (my favorite shell is allowed)


