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Re: id: No such userroot@garion:~# ldapsearch -x uid=connor # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <dc=muncc, dc=loc> (default) with scope subtree # filter: uid=connor # requesting: ALL # # connor, People, muncc.loc dn: uid=connor, ou=People, dc=muncc, dc


Please reply to the list.

On 09/28/2010 08:55 PM, Cole wrote:

Sorry about the config files.  I've attached them.  These files are
exactly them same on the server and the client, according to diff.

If the config files are identical while you have OpenLDAP running on one system and not on the other, I would assume some differences between the files would be useful.

Anyways, from your config files, you need to learn how to use ldapi:// in your libnss-ldap.conf file.

Good luck :-)
