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Re: ldap group name resolving problem

Hi Buchan,

Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Friday 29 February 2008 19:43:30 Christian Weihrauch wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have problems with debian etch Linux clients resolving group names
>> served by our LDAP server. user and passwd work because I can login
>> properly.
> Do you have other clients which work correctly?
No, I have 3 nodes which show the same problem. Having said that they
are all debian etch with the same config.

>> "getent group" properly shows the group served by the LDAP server.
>> eg: #getent group
>> mygroup:x:1000:chris
> So, resolving group names actually works.
>> However "id username" only shows LDAP served groupIDs but not their names.
>> eg: #id chris
>> uid=1002(chris) gid=1000 groups=1000,20(dialout)
>> This means that I can't do things like chgrp eg: "chgroup mygroup
>> directoryname" gives:
>> "chgrp: invalid group `mygroup'"
> I would stop nscd first, and test again.
Tried that with no luck.
>> I am using nscd and nsswitch.conf says:
> (note that nsswitch doesn't have that much to do with nscd ... but nscd can 
> make changes in nsswitch.conf take longer to apply, due to caching)
>> passwd:         files ldap
>> group:          files ldap
>> shadow:         files ldap
> I assume both the above commands (getent group, and id chris) were run as the 
> same user, if not, you should specify if they were run as root or not in each 
> case, as this could be a binddn/anonymous vs rootbinddn issue.
Makes no difference in my case root/user with/without nscd all the same


Christian Weihrauch, M.Sc., Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Research Assistant

ACET Centre
School of System Engineering
The University of Reading
Philip Lyle Building
Whiteknights, PO Box 68
Reading, RG6 6BX, UK
Email: c.weihrauch@reading.ac.uk
Tel:   +44 (0)118 378 7645
Fax:   +44 (0)118 378 5224
WWW:   http://acet.rdg.ac.uk/~cw/
Department web-site: http://www.sse.rdg.ac.uk/