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Re: Using UPN notation for LDAPbind

----- "Michael StrÃder" <michael@stroeder.com> wrote:

> Wilhelm Meier wrote:
> > is there a way to use the UPN (user@domain.com) notation to do a
> bind 
> > to the OpenLDAP-Server.
> Assuming you mean simple bind the answer is no. According to RFC 4511
> the name in a BindRequest is a DN. Using the UPN as name is a
> proprietary violation of LDAPv3 in MS AD.
> > Or do I have to use the rwm-overlay to map 
> > the bind-string to a valid DN?
> Not sure whether that would work.

It would work if you used "mail=user@domain.com", as it complies with DN syntax.  Then you can use rwm rewrite capabilities to expand that string into the user's DN.  Something similar is indicated in slapo-rwm(5), AFAIR.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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