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Meta to Ldap loopback not working.

I am almost successfull in implementing a metadirectory server, however, I am running into a "loopback" problem.

The purpose of this metadirectory is to query three other directory servers (labelled NY, TX and CORP) and return a composite of their results. The NY and TX directory servers permit anonymous access. The CORP directory does not.

To implement this, the slapd.conf file I have created has two 'databases'. The first is the 'meta' database, and implements the querying, and compositing the results. The second is the 'ldap' database which is used to provide anonymous access to the non-anonymous server.

I am using OpenLDAP 2.3.13 and it is running on port 3389 on the 'ldap.ny.example.com' server.

Here is a list of what works:

      Queries to the 'ldap' proxy ("OU=Users,OU=Enterprise") work

      Queries to the NY proxy (dc=ny,dc=example,dc=com) work

      Queries to the TX proxy (dc=tx,dc=example,dc=com) work

      Queries to the CORP proxy (dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com) fail

      Queries to the 'meta' proxy (dc=example,dc=com) returns NY and TX.
	(Should return NY, TX and CORP)

include  /opt/openldap/2.3.13/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include  /opt/openldap/2.3.13/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include  /opt/openldap/2.3.13/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include  /opt/openldap/2.3.13/etc/openldap/schema/ad.schema

pidfile  /opt/openldap/2.3.13/var/run/slapd.pid
argsfile /opt/openldap/2.3.13/var/run/slapd.args
loglevel -1

access to *
         by * read

allow bind_v2
defaultsearchbase "dc=example,dc=com"
lastmod off
readonly on

# database definitions

database meta
suffix "dc=example,dc=com"

uri "ldap://ldap.ny.example.com:3389/dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com";
suffixmassage "dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com" "OU=Users,OU=Enterprise"

uri "ldap://ldap.ny.example.com:389/dc=ny,dc=example,dc=com";
suffixmassage "dc=ny,dc=example,dc=com" "o=ny"

uri "ldap://ldap.tx.example.com:389/dc=tx,dc=example,dc=com";
suffixmassage "dc=tx,dc=example,dc=com" "o=tx"

database ldap
suffix  "OU=Users,OU=Enterprise"
uri ldap://ldap.fnc.net.local:3268/
          binddn="CN=LDAP Search Only User,OU=Users,OU=Enterprise"
          credentials="<LDAP SEARCH Only password>"
          authzID="LDAP Search Only User"
          binddn="CN=LDAP Search Only User,OU=Users,OU=Enterprise"
          credentials="LDAP Search Only User"

# This controls what attribs can be accessed by the LDAP proxy.
# The last rwm-map line maps all other attributes to nothing.
overlay rwm
rwm-map objectclass  account user
rwm-map attribute    uid     sAMAccountname
rwm-map attribute    cn      name
rwm-map attribute    sn      sn
rwm-map attribute    mail    mail
rwm-map attribute    company company
rwm-map attribute    entry   entry
rwm-map attribute    givenName givenName
rwm-map attribute    telephoneNumber telephoneNumber
rwm-map attribute    *

Matthew Lee Stier                 *  Fujitsu Network Communications
Unix Systems Administrator        |  Two Blue Hill Plaza
Ph: 845-731-2097 Fx: 845-731-2011 |  Sixth Floor
Matthew.Stier@us.fujitsu.com      *  Pearl River, NY 10965

fn:Matthew Stier
org:Fujitsu Network Communications
adr;quoted-printable:;;Two Blue Hill Plaza=0D=0A=
	Sixth Floor;Pearl River;New York;10965;United States of America
title:Principal Engineer