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Re: OpenLDAP Slow performance on Solaris

* naveen udar <n_udar@yahoo.com> [050830 17:31]:
> Hi,
> I have openldap-2.1.25 runing on Solaris machine with
> about 4500 records. On search, the response is very
> poor it takes about 10-15 min. Here's the contents of
> "slapd.conf", any body have any clues as to what needs
> to be changed to improve the performance.

First of all, the usual answer: 2.1.25 is ancient. You should upgrade
to 2.3 (but that is a major task, because than your data has to
fullfill the requirements of the schemas).

Otherwise adding a lot more index statements would help. Read in "man
slapd.conf" about them. And because you are using "bdb" the
database-Environment properly with a DB_CONF-File. (read "man slapd-bdb")
and the Documentation of "bdb".

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