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Re: how to make email address as unique in openldap database

Hi Bala,

I'm setting up a LDAP based mailserver here, using Qmail + qmail-ldap patch (http://www.nrg4u.com/).

I'm setting it up just to be a mailserver, I'm not interested in use this Directory to provide information to other applications.

If the DN you're creating for your emails accounts contains the e-mail itself, then you avoid repetition, once there can't be 2 equal DN's in a Directory - the directory will refuse to add a second identical DN to it.

So, my e-mail accounts entries have DN's like these:
dn: uid=vania@acme.ind.br, ou=acme.ind.br, ou=QMAIL-LDAP
dn: uid=marcelo@acme.ind.br, ou=acme.ind.br, ou=QMAIL-LDAP

The complete entry is like this:

dn: uid=vania@acme.ind.br, ou=acme.ind.br, ou=QMAIL-LDAP
sn: NULL
cn: NULL
mail: vania@acme.ind.br
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
uid: vania@acme.ind.br
mailHost: rudolf.egp
mailMessageStore: acme.ind.br/vania
userPassword:: e01ENX1DQndzNkZLTVJEekV2bW5VQ1d5WGVBPT0=
accountStatus: active

error and should not be get added, how to do that??
or just point me where to read more about this??
Go to qmail-ldap website, i think you'll find useful info there.
