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Re: proxycache with error 'no objectClass attribute'

> Hi:
>>Of course, but the indices refer to the underlying bdb of the proxy
>> cache,
>>the back-ldap has no notion of indexing.  There is no reason to use the
>>proxycache without indices because for many queries it's likely to be as
>>slow as the proxy itself, if not slower.
> Do you mean that the indice are set in bdb section instead of ldap section
> in slapd.conf?


> How to set them to get along with LDAP backend?

You don't need to.  back-ldap has no notion of indices (how could it?).

> If I set bdb with suffix, the err is
>     suffix already served by a preceeding backend "o=myorg"

The suffix is inherited from the proxy.  The instance of bdb you're using
for the cache is local to the cache, it has nothing to do with regular
slapd configuration or operation.

> If I remove suffix, there is a warning msg
>     backend_startup: warning, database 0 (bdb) has no suffix

I don't see any reason to remove the suffix line; it is essential to a
database operation.  It seems to me that you're missing many fundamental
aspects of slapd configuration.  Please don't play with proxycache or
other advanced features before you know what you're doing with basic stuff
like baseline configuration of a database.

>> > Yes, first search was cached, but second and later queries the server
>> > returned err=32 (no such object)
>>What is the proxy returning for that query, __without__ the proxy cache?
> It returned answerable, but error code was 32.

I mean, remove __ALL__ the proxycache stuff, from "overlay proxycache"
down under; leave th proxy ("database ldap") in place.  The proxy is
supposed to work without proxy cache (it did for years...), which is an
add-on.  Then query the proxy uncached.  Look at the results for the query
that's no longer cached, and post it (if it doesn't contain any sensitive
info).  I suspect the query gives incomplete results for the proxycache
functionality to work properly.

> Nov  2 10:03:34 ldap01 slapd[92426]: query template of incoming query =
> (cn=)
> Nov  2 10:03:34 ldap01 slapd[92426]: Lock QC index = 0
> Nov  2 10:03:34 ldap01 slapd[92426]: QUERY ANSWERABLE
> Nov  2 10:03:34 ldap01 slapd[92426]: conn=1 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101
> err=32 nentries=0 text=


Pierangelo Masarati

    SysNet - via Dossi,8 27100 Pavia Tel: +390382573859 Fax: +390382476497