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Re: Decyphering openldap ACL logs

rajkumars@asianetindia.com writes:


> Ok. My ldif file is given below, I am wondering why the aci entries were not applied. Sorry for asking too many questions, I am just trying to learn and understand this :)

aci is a directory operation, thus you have to define the attribute
(OpenLDAPaci) either within your search string or in slapd.conf.
> dn: dc=com
> o: linuxense.com
> dc: com
> administrator: uid=mailadmin,dc=com
> OpenLDAPaci: 1.2.3#entry#grant;r;[entry]#public#
> OpenLDAPaci: 1.2.3#entry#grant;r,s,c;objectClass,[entry]#public#

Read the comments in acl.c and 


Dieter Kluenter  | Systemberatung
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