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Re: More password synchronzation

At 06:45 AM 4/2/2004, Simon Oliver wrote:
>A few questions on the "ldap passwd sync" directive:

seems like a question you should take to a samba mailing list.

>ldap passwd sync = yes|no|only
>"This option is used to define whether or not Samba should sync the LDAP
>password with the NT and LM hashes for normal accounts..."
>(a) yes - Try to update the LDAP, NT and LM passwords and update the
>pwdLastSet time,
>(b) no - Do it like before, only update NT and LM passwords and update the
>pwdLastSet time,
>(c) only - Only update the LDAP password and let the LDAP server doing the
>Now, assuming my samba box is a PDC (to mixed 98, NT, 2K, XP) running in
>LDAP mode and I'm using pam_ldap or pam_krb5 for unix authentication...
>1. How does option (c) work - what is the effective difference between (c)
>and (a) - how does the LDAP server do the rest - what is "the rest"?
>2. If LDAP is using KERBEROS authentication will the kerberos password get
>updated when the user changes her SAMBA password.
>3. What if a unix user changes their password via passwd on the console -
>will both the SAMBA and KERBEROS passwords get updates?
>  Simon Oliver