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Problem usinfg ldapsearch

I am using MSSQL as my backend and I have slapd up and running, but when I try to do a search,

ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=neotool,dc=com' 'objectclass=*'

I get the following:

connection_get(11): got connid=5
connection_read(11): checking for input on id=5
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents:
ber_get_next on fd 11 failed errno=11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
ber_scanf fmt ({imt) ber:
ber_scanf fmt (m}) ber:
>>> dnPrettyNormal: <>
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <>, <>
do_bind: version=3 dn="" method=128
send_ldap_result: conn=5 op=0 p=3
send_ldap_response: msgid=1 tag=97 err=0
ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 11
do_bind: v3 anonymous bind
connection_get(11): got connid=5
connection_read(11): checking for input on id=5
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 54 contents:
ber_get_next on fd 11 failed errno=11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
ber_scanf fmt ({miiiib) ber:
>>> dnPrettyNormal: <dc=neotool,dc=com>
=> ldap_bv2dn(dc=neotool,dc=com,0)
<= ldap_bv2dn(dc=neotool,dc=com,0)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(dc=neotool,dc=com,272)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(dc=neotool,dc=com,272)=0
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <dc=neotool,dc=com>, <dc=neotool,dc=com>
ber_scanf fmt (m) ber:
ber_scanf fmt ({M}}) ber:
==>backsql_search(): base='dc=neotool,dc=com', filter='(objectClass=*)', scope=2, deref=0, attrsonly=0, attributes to load: all
backsql_open_db_conn(): connected, adding to tree
==>backsql_oc_get_candidates(): oc='organizationalUnit'
Constructed query: SELECT DISTINCT ldap_entries.id,fp_orgunit                                                      .id                                                              ,text('organizationalUnit') AS objectClass,ldap_entries.dn AS dn FROM ldap_entries,fp_orgunit                                                       WHERE fp_orgunit                                                      .id                                                              =ldap_entries.keyval AND ldap_entries.oc_map_id=? AND upper(ldap_entries.dn) LIKE upper(?) AND NOT ('organizationalUnit' IS NULL)
backsql_oc_get_candidates(): error executing query
Return code: -1
Native error code: 195
SQL engine state: S1000
Message: [OpenLink][ODBC][SQL Server]'text' is not a recognized function name. (195)
==>backsql_oc_get_candidates(): oc='inetOrgPerson'
Constructed query: SELECT DISTINCT ldap_entries.id,fp_contacts                                                     .id                                                              ,text('inetOrgPerson') AS objectClass,ldap_entries.dn AS dn FROM ldap_entries,fp_contacts                                                      WHERE fp_contacts                                                     .id                                                              =ldap_entries.keyval AND ldap_entries.oc_map_id=? AND upper(ldap_entries.dn) LIKE upper(?) AND NOT ('inetOrgPerson' IS NULL)
backsql_oc_get_candidates(): error executing query
Return code: -1
Native error code: 195
SQL engine state: S1000
Message: [OpenLink][ODBC][SQL Server]'text' is not a recognized function name. (195)
send_ldap_result: conn=5 op=1 p=3
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 11
connection_get(11): got connid=5
connection_read(11): checking for input on id=5
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 5 contents:
ber_get_next on fd 11 failed errno=11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
send_ldap_result: conn=5 op=2 p=3
send_ldap_response: msgid=0 tag=48 err=0
ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 11
connection_closing: readying conn=5 sd=11 for close
connection_resched: attempting closing conn=5 sd=11
connection_close: conn=5 sd=11
backsql_free_db_conn(): closing db connection

I am using the sql odbc drivers from Openlink.  I can query the databse just fine through odbctest.

Is there something wrong with my configuration?  Where does the function 'text' come from, openlink error or openldap error?

Thanks for your response.


Mike Stockemer, Support Engineer

"NeoTool: All things HL7" -- Software tools, Training, and Consulting.