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Trapping events

Hello everyone,

I'm planning on deploying OpenLDAP as my central directory server.  But I
have some platforms that do not support LDAP that will need to get updates
when data changes.  Replog does great at dumping add/mod/del information,
but slurpd monopolizes this log file to know what changes to send to slaves.
It was suggested making a fake replica and using the rejection log as a
means of getting a copy of all those events might work.  I could then parse
the rejection log and handle each entry appropriately. (it would be nice if
I could generate two replogs: one for slurpd and one for my own daemon).

I was wondering if anyone else had some ideas.  I saw lots of talk about
using back-perl to trap events for password syncing.  I'm not interesting in
password syncing but I was wondering if someone has used this approach for
general data syncing?  I also heard talk that back-perl is really not
supported or recommended and can have a high overhead.

It would be nice if I could get the logging mechanism to make an ldif file
of each add/mod/delete.

So, what kind of ideas do you guys have?

-- Digant C Kasundra