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RE: LDAP searches don't work unless they're wildcards

>> 1) You don't say what version of the software (server, client)
>> you're using
> Sorry, the client software I used is:
> * ldapsearch
> 	- Distributed in Debian package "ldap-utils" v2.0.23-6.3
> 	- Compiled from source OpenLDAP2 v2.0.23-6.3
> * LDAP Browser 2.8.2
> 	- Graphical Java LDAP client obtained from
> http://www.iit.edu/~gawojar/ldap/
> The server software was stated though:
>> The server is:
>> 	* Linux kernel 2.4.18
>> 	* Debian woody (3.0r1) build
>> 	* OpenLDAP: slapd 2.0.23-Release
>> 2) you say you played with indices; did you rebuild them,
>> by chance (i.e. run slapindex after changing slapd.conf)?
> I followed instructions on rebuilding indices obtained from a website I
> can't find now:
>  * Altered slapd.conf - appended "readonly on"
>  * Restarted slapd
>  * Executed slapindex
>  * Altered slapd.conf - "readonly off"
>  * Restarted slapd

I'm not sure this applies to such an old
and outdated version; I'd find it safer
to stop slapd and tun slapindex.  My point
was: if you change the index statements
in slapd.conf you need to rebuild the db
indices.  To do it safely with old versions
you must do it offline.  Can you try this
and see if your problem disappears?


Pierangelo Masarati