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Re: LDIF compatibility

i'm afraid they are not. i had the same task and asked this list for advice, but there doesn't seem to be a straight-forward way of migrating 1.x ldifs to 2.1 (please correct me if i'm wrong).

my solution was to write a Java Program that talked to two ldap servers (old and new) at the same time and read-in write-out all entries sequentially. not the nicest solution and it may not be an alternative for you.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.


Bobby R. Cox wrote:

Are the v1.x ldif compatible with v2.x? I am having a heck of a time
importing an ldif from my current v1.2 to my newly built v2.0.

I created the ldif on the v1 server using ldapbrowser, because I believe
v1 does not have slapcat ( I didn't find it ).

I then used slapadd to import the ldif file, but it keeps stopping with
an error when it reaches a blank line.

added: "dc=pmt,dc=org" (00000001)
added: "ou=People, dc=pmt,dc=org" (00000002)
slapadd: could not parse entry (line=26)

line 26 is the blank line after the first record.

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