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sasl-regexp problems in 2.1.22 (bug found in servers/slapd/saslauthz.c:slap_parseURI())

I'm running 2.1.22 on my test system at home, but it
seems like I'm having trouble with the sasl-regexp.

----- s n i p -----
sasl-regexp             uid=(.*),cn=(.*),cn=gssapi,cn=auth
access to attrs=uid,cn,accountStatus,uidNumber,gidNumber,gecos,homeDirectory,loginShell,krb5PrincipalName,dc,o,ou,objectClass,entry
        by aci write
        by domain=.*\.bayour\.com read
        by peername="IP=127\.0\.0\.1:.*" read
access to *
        by dn="cn=Turbo Fredriksson,ou=People,o=Fredriksson,c=SE" write
        by aci write
        by * none
----- s n i p -----

To make this work, I thing I have to make the krb5PrincipalName
readable to anonymous (?).

----- s n i p -----
[tuzjfi.tty2]$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -h localhost -b c=SE krb5PrincipalName=turbo@BAYOUR.COM krb5PrincipalName
dn: cn=Turbo Fredriksson,ou=People,o=Fredriksson,c=SE
krb5PrincipalName: turbo@BAYOUR.COM
----- s n i p -----

Doing the same search non-anonymous, the LDAP server with '-d -1'
----- s n i p -----
do_sasl_bind: dn () mech GSSAPI
conn=0 op=3 BIND dn="" method=163
==> sasl_bind: dn="" mech=<continuing> datalen=65
SASL Canonicalize [conn=0]: authcid="turbo"
slap_sasl_getdn: id=turbo [len=5]
getdn: u:id converted to uid=turbo,cn=BAYOUR.COM,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth
>>> dnNormalize: <uid=turbo,cn=BAYOUR.COM,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth>
=> ldap_bv2dn(uid=turbo,cn=BAYOUR.COM,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth,0)
<= ldap_bv2dn(uid=turbo,cn=BAYOUR.COM,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth,0)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth,272)=0
<<< dnNormalize: <uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth>
==>slap_sasl2dn: converting SASL name uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth to a DN
slap_sasl_regexp: converting SASL name uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth
slap_sasl_regexp: converted SASL name to ldap://
slap_parseURI: parsing ldap://
slap_sasl2dn: slap_parseURI returned 2 (base=(null), scope=-1).
<==slap_sasl2dn: Converted SASL name to <nothing>
SASL Canonicalize [conn=0]: authcDN="uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth"
----- s n i p -----

The third line from the end is my extra debugging in the code,
just to try to find the problem.

When looking through the code (code is better than manuals :),
I saw that I _should_ have gotten the logg message
'slap_sasl2dn: performing internal search', but extra debugging
code added show that slap_parseURI() returns 2 (LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR).

More debuging added, I found that the following code snippet was
----- s n i p -----
        if (( ludp->lud_host && *ludp->lud_host )
                || ludp->lud_attrs || ludp->lud_exts )
                /* host part should be empty */
                /* attrs and extensions parts should be empty */
/* Extra debugging by Turbo */
                    "slap_parseURI: Returning LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR. (host=%s, attrs=%s, exts=%s).\n",
                    ludp->lud_host, ludp->lud_attrs, ludp->lud_exts);
        Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,
               "slap_parseURI: Returning LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR. (host=%s, attrs=%s, exts=%s).\n",
               ludp->lud_host, ludp->lud_attrs, ludp->lud_exts);
                return LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
----- s n i p -----

This is/was proved by the following log message (third line from the end):
----- s n i p -----
==>slap_sasl2dn: converting SASL name uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth to a DN
slap_sasl_regexp: converting SASL name uid=turbo,cn=bayour.com,cn=gssapi,cn=auth
slap_sasl_regexp: converted SASL name to ldap://
slap_parseURI: parsing ldap://
ldap_url_parse: ldap_url_parse_ext returned: 0 (0).
slap_parseURI: ldap_url_parse returned: 0 (host=, filter=(krb5PrincipalName=turbo@BAYOUR.COM)).
slap_parseURI: Returning LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR. (host=, attrs=(null), exts=(null)).
slap_sasl2dn: slap_parseURI returned 2 (base=(null), scope=-1).
<==slap_sasl2dn: Converted SASL name to <nothing>
----- s n i p -----

With this in mind, I changed the sasl-regexp to the following,
and then it worked. Why!?
----- s n i p -----
# URI format: ldap://<host>/<base>[?[<attrs>][?[<scope>][?[<filter>]]]]
sasl-regexp             uid=(.*),cn=(.*),cn=gssapi,cn=auth
----- s n i p -----

So it seems that I can't use the host part!
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