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Re: library questions: LDAPMessage, msgid, ...

Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> wrote:
> BTW, one call you should add which is not in the draft is
> ldap_start_tls_s() (if TLS is compiled into the LDAP installation).
> Unfortunately it's undocumented in OpenLDAP too.

Ok.  Is that needed for ldaps:// connections?  I added
ldap_initialize, and it works for ldap://ldap.cwru.edu, but not
ldaps://ldap.cwru.edu.  (Calling ldap_sasl_bind after ldap_initialize
fails.)  However, I can connect to ldaps://ldap.cwru.edu using
ldapsearch, from the same build of OpenLDAP, so I must be doing
something wrong with the library.
