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Re: Problems with connections

2.1.12 has a lot of known thread problems. You probably want to upgrade to 2.1.16, and add in the tpool.c patch that Howard Chu recently mentioned on the list. That is the most stable known release.


--On Tuesday, April 01, 2003 5:20 PM +0200 OpenLDAP Sadesi <openldap.sadesi@juntadeandalucia.es> wrote:

Hi all:

my problem with OpenLDAP version 2.1.12 next.

i use OpenLDAP to mail routing. i  have severals sendmail and others MTA
(about a dozen)
i realized load test with OpenLDAP version 2.1.12. i fixed the numbers of
thread on 20.
well i got a lot of  "Error getting LDAP results in map ldapramh: Can't
contact LDAP server"  in maillog.
i looked for the number of connection. The machine only had 14
connections opened established.
if the machine could accept more connections why LDAP server dont accept
the searchs request of sendmail?

thanks for all.

AGUSTÍN TORRES-TERNERO ALVAREZ Área de eGobierno Dpto. Desarrollo de Proyectos Sociedad Andaluza para el Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información S.A.U. Avda. de la Arboleda s/n 41940 - Tomares, (Sevilla) Tfn: 955 061 077/000 Fax: 955 061 019/041 e-mail: agustin.torres@juntadeandalucia.es

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