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Re: problems with the threads


There have been numerous discussions on this list about threads, and the proper values for threads. More threads is NOT better. The total number of threads to use can vary on a number of things. You may wish to upgrade to 2.1.16, and see if that helps as well. A number of threading problems were fixed between 2.1.12 and 2.1.16. There is also another patch to tpool.c since 2.1.16 was released that fixes a threading problem that can be caused by sendmail. You can do a search on the openldap archives to find that message. What I can say, is that on our Solaris openldap systems, we found a thread value of 20 was the best. More than 20 threads seriously reduced performance.


--On Friday, March 28, 2003 2:48 PM +0100 OpenLDAP Sadesi <openldap.sadesi@juntadeandalucia.es> wrote:

hi all:

i have a problem.

i used openldap to mail routing. the version of openldap is 2.1.12

when i startup the system i can look at that the numbers of threads slapd
in my system grows always. i tried to up the max number until 200 with
threads directive in slapd.conf.
when the system overtake this maximun the slapd dont accept any more
connect request. i used the version 2.0.xx (i dont remember). with this
older version, i never worried about the number of threads.
what can i do?

in my slapd.conf i used the next directives:
# Define num threads
threads 200
# Define timelimit
timelimit -1
# Define timeout limit in seconds for ilde connections
idletimeout 60

thanks for all

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